It is very hard to do one without the other quite simply. I know it may seem rather ironic to be talking about SPRING cleaning when the UK has just had yet another dumping of snow (and boy doesn't my FB feed know it) but strike whilst the iron is hot. Getting started is the hardest part.
As readers of this blog know we are taking on a lot of work. Not only are we decluttering, but also decorating at the same time.
In hindsight I do not advise this. Much better to sort one out before the other but as it is we are in the midst of spring cleaning.
The weekend was spent scraping the walls in the living room. Small tip for everyone here. if decorating please consider the poor sods who buy your house afterwards and do the job properly. Varnishing (yes you read right) over lining paper is never a good look and even worse to remove *sobs quietly into the much needed glass of wine*
Due to this we have been set back yet again but never fear! We have a solution! it comes in the form of sandpaper and realizing that that wall (luckily the only one affected) is going to be covered by bookcases so it won't matter that it's not 100% perfect like the rest of room. It'll be fine, no it will be, no it will, it'll be fine (if I say it enough times I might even convince myself).
My next task is to
a) get better. I have had another CFS crash brought on by a virus, my temperature at the moment is hovering between 39 and 40.5. How am I typing this you might wonder, ah well that is thanks to marvelous voice typing technology. It's not perfect admittedly but it means the bulk is done whilst I lie back and groan softly into my pillow. I will proof read it later when feeling a bit brighter.
b) call the plasterer to get a quote for the ceiling. We are hopefully going to use the same chap who did our kitchen work as he did a brilliant job in there and he knows the, ahem, eccentricities of our house and how the previous owners
One thing we did though was to get a lovely laundry bin (I know rock and/or roll) for our daughter's room. This is part of the teach a 3 year old how to declutter strategy. It might work, it might not but it's a lovely little piece of furniture that will be well used in her room.
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