Yesterday on returning from work he went to look at what I had done with some trepidation. I think he was expecting to find all of his things thrown away. Now that is something I would never do, the thought of someone doing that to my things without my knowledge is horrifying. What I have done instead is boxed up similar items and given him a deadline for the end of the weekend to go through the boxes and make a decision on the future of the items and if he wants to keep them he must store them correctly (for that read our surprisingly empty loft).

Spurned on by my efforts we have decided that it's finally time to decorate the living room. We had a new kitchen installed in the summer and my husband started to tackle our living room which was a shrine to 70s tackiness, it wasn't even kitsch it was just awful. So he started to rip off the ghastly chipboard, the builder got rid of the false lowered ceiling that anyone over 5'8 had to duck to get through (the previous owners were both small). He got at the faux brick fireplace with a sledge hammer and things seemed to be moving on nicely.
But then, as always you only have to watch DIY SOS to see how common this is, things stalled. Then stalled some more and then stopped. So here we are in January, 5 months on from the initial building work and our living room looks worse than ever. We still have a built in fish tank to remove (I told you it was awful) and some more chipboard to take off the walls.
We have set aside next weekend (in laws permitting to have our daughter over for a sleep over) to tackle this room and hopefully get lining paper up to paint. That is my realistic goal for 2 days worth. Mainly because the living room has, you guessed it, clutter! So while he can tackle the fish tank I will be applying my new decluttering skills to everything in that room. I know for a fact there is a charger in here for a phone that has not worked for the past 4 years. So why is it still here?!
It is Saturday morning so I am cuddled up on the sofa with my 3 year old daughter watching the eleventy billionth episode of Charlie and Lola, well she is watching I am browsing Homebase's website searching for lining paper, more fun than you'd think!
Just to decide on what colours to paint the paper, I want a light, airy feel to the room but not cold either. What do you have in your living space?
What do I have in my living space? Clutter.
Oh I hear you on that one but together we can get through this, is the new shredder working well?
ReplyDeletePlease tell me you took 'before' pictures of your 70's shrine?